Monday, July 19, 2010

No waste

times gone by
and time will fly
and time is spent
as we lie
and wonder why
our lives seem
to pass us by.
and days they come
and days they go
we ask ourselves
what do we know
about this and that
and we are left
with what to show?
the witless wander
while they wonder
about things futile
no one can control.
so marching on
to the bitter end
or blessed one
I hope my friend
you find the way
and walk the path
through every day.
don't get lost
or forget my name
I'll remember you
just the same.
when nights grow dark
and bitter cold
and life grows stale
and bread will mold
I'll be there
forever young, forever old
and together we
will walk the wold
we'll track the valleys
cross the seas
and take at last that final road.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yo Jeremy!

Hey I left you several comments on Deviantart but you never responded. :P

I was looking around on your DA page and saw this blog listed so thought I'd say "hi". I know its been a few years. :)

~Dawn Fannin