Sunday, August 15, 2010

Broken Angel

How loudly does the song of your heart play?
Can you hear it over the raging storms
When the crushing hand of cruelty
Is upon you laid?

Does thunder of your heart beat strong
Even when sorely betrayed?
Can it trumpet its strength
When the dearest becomes your foe?

How loudly does the song of your heart sing
Through the pain
Through the grief?
Does its voice carry
Over the waves of bitterness?
Do its  notes ring true
Through confusion and disappointment?

How loudly does the song of your heart play
Though broken, scarred, and bruised?
Does it have the will, the voice
To soar above it all?

How loudly does the song of your heart play?
In joy, in pain, in sickness, in health,
In fatness, in lean times
Through everything,
Is your heart true?

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